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Terms of Service

Welcome to The Cemetery

An online forum where YOU can be free from censorship, invasive ad’s, data collecting and big brother monitoring.( Read below)

That said- here’s the run down and some rules; YES RULES!

#1- This is a new venture and things may change as we navigate the in’s and outs of such an adventure.

#2- Don’t be an idiot and post porn…. You’ll be booted

#3 - Threats of physical violence to another member… Booted

#4- If you decide to leave, hate to see you go… We will not provide refunds for time left regardless of how long you decided to join for.

#5- If you get booted for the basic rules here, that’s on you… There will be no refunds partial or otherwise regardless of time you signed up for or time you have left… DON’T GET BOOTED….

#6- On advertising… it’s your Timeline, put what you will. If however you join a group— let’s not flood the page with ad’s, in

fact, that’ll get you booted… That said, if in a group discussion and a comment, thread, post comes up where YOUR product or

device or service fits the bill… by all means, post a link.. But PLEASE… Limit it to that.

#7- For the most part, this will be a 3 strikes and you're out forum… Admin will do their best to monitor posts, comments and actions taken to help continue a smooth forum but and if you are booted, that is final.

#8- Promotion of illegal activity gets you booted… pronto

#9- Trolls…. We all hate them… If by chance you are a troll it’ll come out soon enough… Probably gonna be viewed as a 3 strike rule but I hate trolls… we all do…This rule could easily be amended in an ejection… BOOTED… Don’t be a Troll.

#10- Overt sexual content is not allowed… BOOTED

#11- There is at this time, no mute or similar features… do not depend on warnings as violations. Warning will come in the form of messages or actual comments on thread or post.

#12- The private message feature is a nice way to continue conversations and create friendships… Using this feature to harass, provide unwanted solicitations to another member, (of any kind)  threaten, or any such untoward nor asked for activity can easily get you booted…. Of course admin will have no way of knowing this unless screenshots of such are provided… If that’s the case and it is deemed you’ve crossed the line… Buh bye…

This forum is meant to be a Great alternative to the social media choices you currently have. It’s new, bells and whistles may not be what what you’re used to but as we grow, more will be coming. Please enjoy and post what you wish (within our guidelines).  We will not censor your opinion, your values. Those are yours. If you are concerned of activity please contact admin

and we will look into it. Screenshots for now what you’ll need to also add especially as membership grows.   As new features and or rules come up, admin will post such and you will be expected to adhere…

By clicking “I AGREE” you are stating YOU READ THE RULES and will abide.